Primitive Earthskills Gathering - February 4th-5th, 2012

What: Hippie gathering up in Brooker, FL. Contra dancing, music around the campfire, , trading circles, delicious meals, opportunities to learn how to make your own bamboo didgeridoo, kill a chicken, clean a roadkill deer, make kimchi, sew buckskin into dresses, make moccasins from animal hides, carve spoons, make pottery, make bamboo blowguns and flutes, build cobb structures, thatch a roof, and perform many other skills that will be super useful in the post-apocalyptic future

People who showed up: Jeff, Michael, Zorana, Bruno, Adriana, Justin (the couchsurfer), Matt, Bevin, Kira, Yogi, Andrew, Lauren, April, Amy, and Citlalli.

Gas: $2
Class/camping fee: Work trade (we made breakfast, served it, and washed the dishes)

Lauren's Pictures