Shired Island Camping, June 19th-20th

What: Camping on Shired Island, fish gigging, Horseshoe Beach flea market, Manatee Springs (currently the only clear spring on the Suwannee)

Costs (per person):
Gas: $6
Camping at Shired Island: $2
Accordion: $5
Bag of smoked mullet: $2
Sno-cone: 50 cents
Bacon-wrapped shrimp: $3
Manatee Springs Entrance: $1
Newberry BBQ: $8

Trip Members: Jeff, Scott, Frank, Jasmine

Frank's Pictures

Being underwater for a few weeks didn't do any favors for Hart Springs tourist infrastructure

The fine art of fish giggin'

Scott AKA Prometheus

How not to make popcorn

The Corolla rides again!

Shuttle launch?

One way to motivate campers who are slow to get moving in the morning: Step 1. Collect a dozen or so crabs from the beach and feed them into the tent. Step 2. Collapse tent. Step 3. Watch as hilarity ensues.

39 miles from the nearest Walmart - now that's something you can take pride in!

Horseshoe Beach's chocolate shop, police department, and polka band.

Breakfast: One ziplock baggie of smoked mullet

Do not attempt with real manatee